About Us
Innovation Development for Energy Advancement (IDEA)

As one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, we are committed to keeping electricity safe, reliable, affordable and clean today and for the future.
Select this if requesting SCE to review a product or service idea related to front-of-the-meter (grid-side) technologies.
About a quarter of SCE’s service territory is categorized as a high fire-risk area. To keep our customers, the public, and employees safe, we’ve made it our priority to invest in improvements to help prevent wildfires and act quickly when they occur.
Select this if requesting SCE to review an idea that could help keep our communities resilient and safe from wildfires.
SCE collaborates with many organizations to support energy-related innovation. If you are working on a project of this nature and need a letter of support or commitment for a California Energy Commission EPIC, Department of Energy, or other funding source proposal, we maybe able to help.
Select this if requesting SCE's support or commitment for activities such as: grant funding proposals, research efforts, etc.
Disclaimer : Provision of this form and information attached herein is offered only for review by SCE, and in no way constitutes SCE’s acceptance, adoption, support, or inclusion of said technology or idea in any way whatsoever. All submissions are the property of SCE. All information provided herein will be kept confidential unless SCE notifies the party submitting this idea to the contrary.
Modernizing Grid Planning
Updating Hardware & Software
Advanced Grid Management
Connecting Distribution Energy Resources
Carbon-free Energy Sources
Advanced Energy Storage
Clean Distributed Energy Resources
Localized Community Solutions
Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
Grid Advancement & Resiliency
Public Safety
Service Reliability
Transportation Electrification
Efficient Building Decarbonization
Smart Energy Management
Behind the Meter Energy Resources
Community Engagement & Development
Corporate Sustainability
Customer Experience & Satisfaction
Public, Employee and Contractor Safety